Broken hearts, broken spirits, mending under the Potter’s hand.

So many are hurting and searching for comfort. I want to encourage you with the hope and help that are available in the person of Jesus Christ.

There are so many voices loudly pronouncing our sin and degradation, and how much we deserve the judgement of God which is apparently falling all around us.

Please understand that while God is certainly a God of justice, He never rains down judgement without giving warnings first, in order that all who want to escape the coming judgement get an opportunity to do so by accepting His free gift of love in the person of Jesus, the Christ.

Yes, we are all sinners. Yes, we all deserve judgement. Yes, we all deserve death and hell.

Yet Jesus came to give us life and love and purpose and hope and peace. All these are ours for the taking — or should I say receiving — if we accept the free gift that is offered to us.

Within these few pages of postings I hope you will find reflected the love that I have found in relationship with Jesus. And if you think you want this love in your life, ask Him. He isn’t a bully — He’s waiting for you to make the first move.