Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Whew! What a summer!

Excessive heat in the Northern Hemisphere and record cold and snowfalls in the Southern Hemisphere. Politics, crime, immigration across the globe and seemingly unheard of temperatures. (Just a note: 1930 was the hottest year recorded. My grandmother experienced that WITHOUT air conditioning!) Of course, if we look at the negative we are going to see the negative.

Today’s challenge is to look around you and see the beauty — not the misrepresenting headlines and the distortions of social and on-line media.

Look around you. Look at your neighborhood. Experience the joy of neighbors and the wonder of God’s amazing creation. Bask in the joy of sunshine and shade. Revel in the blessing of running water, air-conditioning, and indoor plumbing!

Today is the day the Lord has made — let us rejoice and be glad in it! Stop looking for things to complain about and start looking for things to praise God about. He is worthy!

An attitude of gratitude will turn your world — THIS WORLD — around.

Blessed the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not ALL of His benefits.

Emotional Healing

In November, 1982 I was a divorced mother living in Colorado with a divorced man and I became pregnant.  When I told my live-in partner, he agreed that marriage was the best choice for us, and on New Year’s Eve, 1982, were were married.  We hadn’t been married very long – less than a month – when he decided that my pregnancy was a threat to our marriage, and he told me that it was either the pregnancy or the marriage – in essence, he told me to choose between him and the child.  Sounds simple, yes?  But it wasn’t.  For the first time, I saw a side of him that came to be normal for our household.  He towered over me in an anger-filled intimidating manner, and I feared for my safety and that of my daughter.  There was nowhere to turn. My family lived far away and even had they been close would not have been any help whatsoever. On top of that, I was raised in a Presbyterian household, going to church off-and-on, learning about the Lord and about obedience.  It’s a classic case of a little knowledge being dangerous.  I had apparently been in church and learned the lesson about submission to my husband, but I had clearly missed the lesson on not obeying those who lead you into sin.  I was thoroughly confused as I struggled with what I thought was probably not right and staying obedient.  Eventually, I felt I had no choice.  I made an appointment with an abortion clinic.  They weren’t hard to find – I just looked in the yellow pages under ‘Abortion’.

My understanding of an abortion at the time was pretty limited.  I knew that if I had one, I wouldn’t have a baby.  I didn’t think of the fetus as being alive, or even a human being.  And, at that point, I was operating in fear.  My new husband wanted his way, and I was afraid of what would happen if I said no.

The abortion was an horrific experience, and one that colored my life and damaged my psyche for years to come.  Let me make one thing perfectly clear.  I’m  the one who signed the release and I’m the one who went into the office and had the procedure.  I am guilty.  And still Jesus loves me and set me free.

My appointment was very efficient, professional and sterile.  The clinic turned out to be a suite of offices in a Denver office building.  I signed in, sat down in a room full of women, and waited my turn.  When I was called, the nurse gave me a gown, told me to change into it and lie on the table.  The doctor arrived shortly thereafter, positioned me correctly on the table and began the procedure.  It was over in a mater of minutes.  There was a sound of a small vacuum cleaner, then nothing.  The nurse picked up a jar from the floor at the end of the table and covered it with a cloth and proceeded to leave the room.  I remember wondering why she was covering it up — what’s in there?  I also remember she looked at me sort of quizzically, and I wondered what she was thinking.

The doctor washed up and turned back to me.  At the time, I was staring at the ceiling.  I suppose I might have been in shock, except that I remember it so vividly.  It was then that the doctor slapped my face and told me to pull myself together.  The nurse re-entered the room and the doctor left.  The nurse took my blood pressure and told me to relax for a few minutes – she’d be back.  She returned about ten minutes later and took my blood pressure again.  Then she told me to get dressed – I could go home.

At no time did I receive counseling about the decision I had made, the nature of the abortion, or the possible consequences.  I didn’t have the opportunity to talk with anyone who had had an abortion.

Following the abortion, I felt nothing.  No mental anguish. No guilt. No trauma.  Nothing.  Inside, in my spirit and in my sub-conscious, however, the battle began to rage. The fancy label is post-traumatic stress disorder, but the bottom line is my mental and physical health began to deteriorate.  Doctors diagnosed me with:

Multiple Sclerosis




Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Spastic Colon and


I couldn’t lift my arms above shoulder height or open heavy doors.  I had to sell my Ford Bronco (which I loved) because I could no longer get in and out of it without excruciating pain in my hips.  I’d go for walks with a dear friend at lunch time at work (when I could work).  Sometimes the loss of sensation and lack of balance would cause me to walk leaning far over to my right or left side.  You see, part of MS is the abnormal equilibrium.  When I walked like this, my brain believed I was upright.  Had I been standing upright, I would have fallen over!  My friend would grab my other arm to try to help keep me balanced, afraid I would fall over.  I made light of it all as we joked about it being time for a cane – we even planned what kind we’d buy!  A carved walking stick for me!

Sometimes I’d sit on the floor cross-legged, or Indian-style as some call it, and my knees would be at a 45-55 degree angle from the floor – both of them!  You could push down on one knee and my whole body would roll to that side.  It was impossible to make the joints work any longer – a result of the MS my doctor said.

For the next several years the abortion affected not only me, but my other children as well, because it affected how I treated them and how I treated myself.  The secrecy, shame, anger and bitterness affected all of my relationships.  I became unable to trust, unable to share any part of myself.  I was very careful not to become closely attached to anyone or anything, for fear I might lose them.  I had been described by others as ‘very reserved’.  I wasn’t reserved, I was terrified!!  I built a cold, hard wall around my heart so the pain couldn’t pierce me, but in blocking out that pain I also blocked out friends and family.  I damaged my children with alternating patterns of neglect and over-protectiveness.  Today, praise God, those relationships are being restored.

 If I could talk with a woman thinking of having an abortion, I’d tell her to examine all of her options more closely.  I’d tell her about the shame, the feeling of loss, the longing for and wondering about the child, the incredible sadness.  Women (and young girls) who are considering abortion need to be warned – it is a life changing experience.  While abortion releases them from the temporary pressures and trials of an unwanted pregnancy, it is permanently scarring.  They will never be the same.

Needless to say, the marriage ended as my husband, at first only verbally abusive and intimidating, turned to physical abuse of me and my children.  So what it boils down to is that I had aborted (murdered) my baby for a relationship that wasn’t going to last anyway.  Some 10 years following the abortion my now-ex-husband attacked me, and I took my children and left.  I filed for legal separation and began urging him to enter into counseling with me.  His response?  He kidnapped my son.  He refused to bring my son home unless I agreed to come back and be his wife.  Praise God for the strength to refuse, as I told him I would not, unless he got help.  After he hung up, I collapsed on my bed in hysterics, knowing I was helpless.  You see, we were only separated and were sharing custody of our son, so the police would be of no help.   And there on my bed I cried out “God, I can’t do this!”  Instantly the peace of God descended on me as He spoke two words: “7 o’clock”.  

I don’t know if I was actually crying out to God, or just crying out, using the word “God” as the unsaved so often do.  I can honestly say I didn’t expect a response, but I got one!  You know I once heard a minister say that God doesn’t respond to our pain, He responds to our faith.  I’m living proof that He responds to our pain!

I was no longer hysterical, no longer crying, and no longer fearful for my son’s life.  It was 5:30 in the evening, so I sat down in my living room to wait, in awe that there really was a God!  Occasionally I would feel fear try to grip me again, but I fought against it.  And at one point, around 6:30 when I was beginning to get panicky again, the Lord embraced me – literally!! – he put his arms around me and hugged me.  I then relaxed totally and waited.  At 6:57 p.m. there was a knock on my door.  I opened it to see my little eight year old son standing there.  I was astounded and so very thankful.  When I asked him what happened, he told me he wasn’t sure.  He had been hiding under a bed and his dad had been trying to get him out, when suddenly my son began speaking to his dad but he had no idea where the words came from – he told him about his selfishness, his cruelty, and his lack of love.  At that point his dad said “c’mon I’m taking you to your mom.”  It wasn’t long after that he filed for divorce.

From that day on, I have been sold out for Jesus.  Prior to that day, I had known all about Jesus, and if you had asked me I would have assured you that I was going to heaven, though knowing what I know now, I’m not so sure.  After that day, I no longer knew about Him, I knew He was real, and I began to chase Him.  I found a church, made a profession of faith, was baptized, and not long afterwards baptized in the Holy Spirit.  A passion to know Him better continues to drive me today, for He is new every morning. 

As I began reading my Bible, going to church, and following His leading, my life began to change.   He revealed things about my character that needed changing, and He began to remake me.  My heart’s cry was to be more like Jesus, and as I surrendered to Him, He began a good work in me.

Some of what had to be dealt with was still buried so far down within me that I didn’t even know it existed.  The hurts and traumas of childhood had been deeply buried.  The wonder of letting Christ be your counselor is that He is so gentle, so caring, He never pushes you farther than you’re ready to go.  God began to heal my emotional hurts one step at a time.  He would reveal something from my past, and we would work through it together with scripture.  Then He would reveal something else.  It was a wonderful process, and it didn’t cost a dime!

One day, sitting at my desk at work and listening to the radio, I heard an announcement that the Texas Justice Foundation was going to try to overturn Roe V. Wade and they wanted women who had had abortions to submit affidavits about their experience.  It was pretty easy to do, so I did.  Remember now, I still had my wall built and thought I was just fine.

About two or three weeks after I submitted my affidavit I received a telephone call from a woman at the Center.  She said she had read my affidavit and had been moved, particularly by the part about the doctor slapping me.  She asked if she could pray with me.  I said yes, and immediately broke down, becoming a sobbing puddle right at my desk.  In the 18 years since my abortion, no one had ever said a kind word to me about it.  No one had ever expressed any concern or care for ME, and this one act of kindness opened the floodgates.  As she prayed, I could feel the power of God rest upon me, and my wonderful Counselor began another session.  Over a few short weeks he took me through a marvelous program of grief counseling, leading me through His Word, and set me free.

Finally, He introduced me to the a Pregnancy Center.  I was still looking for my ‘niche’ in ministry, and since I had had an abortion in the past, I thought maybe I should volunteer to help in this center, though my heart was really with hurting women.  While I was there I discovered they conducted post-abortion Bible studies.  I decided to attend because I thought it might help me help others.  It wasn’t until the end of the weeks’ long study that I realized why I was there.  It wasn’t to volunteer.  It wasn’t to take the bible study which I had already taken with the Lord.  It was to bring closure to an event that had happened 20 years earlier. 

You see, at the end of all of the studies our group went to a local church and held a memorial service for our murdered children.  We named them, we asked for their forgiveness, and we let go.  This was the final step of my emotional healing.

But God wasn’t finished with me.  One night as I was getting ready for bed I noticed all of my prescriptions lined up on the dresser.  It brought back the memory of my mom in her last days as she battled cancer – at the time more than 70 years old.  Here I was, not even 45 and my dresser looked like hers.  I decided right then and there I didn’t want to live if I had to live on all those drugs.  At that moment, I remembered something Dennis Jernigan said during his testimony about God delivering him from homosexuality.  At the darkest point in his life he turned to God and said “God, either you are who you say you are, or you’re a liar.”

I turned to God with the same mindset.  I picked up all of my prescriptions and headed for the bathroom.  In hindsight I probably should have tossed them in the trash can, but I didn’t – I flushed them and rejoiced as they went!

From that moment on I began taking the best medicine – the Word of God.  I memorized a couple of scripture verses that I felt fit my situation, and I recited them daily during my quiet time with God.

Exodus 15:26 – I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the world, for I am the Lord who heals you.

Deut. 7:15 – The Lord will take away from you all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of the world on you but will lay them on those that hate you.

Jere. 30:17 – For I will restore health to you and I will heal you of your wounds says the Lord.

Today I am free of all the guilt, all of the pain, all of the sorrow and all the sickness that colored my life for so many years.  I’m here to tell you that God – the great Jehovah – the eternal existent God – the great I AM – is merciful and kind, loving and caring, understanding and forgiving.  He understands because he was tempted just as we are.  He forgives and pours out his grace and mercy because he understands. 

Today totally healed, totally delivered, and totally set free simply because I chose to believe the report of the Lord.  God has healed me, and He did it rather quickly.    I have no doubt that the shame and guilt of the abortion contributed to my physical condition.  As God forgave me and healed my emotional wounds, the influence of my own shame and guilt upon my physical condition was removed.

It doesn’t matter what sin we’re hiding.  Sin is sin.  Someone’s sin of gossiping crucifies Christ just as much as my sin of murder.  But praise God, if we accept His free gift, we are all covered by the blood of the lamb  — the sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ. 

In Proverbs 4:20-22, God gives us the directions for attaining healing.

‘My son, give attention to my words;

Incline your ear to my sayings. 

Do not let them depart from your eyes

Keep them in the midst of your heart; 

For they are life to those who find them

And health to all their flesh.

What are the directions?

1. ‘give attention to my words;’

2. ‘incline your ear;’

3. ‘do not let them depart from your eyes;’

4. ‘keep them in the midst of your heart.’

In closing, I’d like to leave you with these thoughts —

Who is your deliverer?  Who is your liberator?  Who is your healer?  If you know the answer to these questions, why are you not liberated?  Why are you not delivered?  Why are you not healed?  Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!


If I could only pass on one piece of wisdom to born-again believers, it would be this: Judgment is coming for every living person. For the born-again Christian there is no delay to some far-away place and time. Judgment for the born-again believer is today. Today, if we sin, we will see the hand of God move in our lives to bring a recompense or judgment for that sin. We cannot escape conviction. However, if we are smart enough to repent before recompense happens, it is possible to escape discipline.

When we look upon others critically we are sitting in judgment over them rather than seeing them as God see’s them – with eyes of compassion. God looks upon us and sees our potential and the endless possibilities for our lives. He also sees all of our spots and wrinkles and has compassion on us for our endless struggles.

The closer we draw to Him the more aware we become of our need for a Savior. And our need for a Savior awakens a response within us to recognize the same need in others. Yet to look on someone else’s sin and judge them for it is to reflect not the Savior, but the accuser of the brethren. If we fail to recognize our own sin in judging others then we are destined to be drawn into the same/similar sin ourselves.

Matthew 7:1-5 1Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? 5You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

For example, if you are sitting in judgment over another’s sexual sin you may find the Holy Spirit reminding you of your own past sins, even if they were ‘before Jesus’. Or perhaps you will find yourself in a situation that is tempting you almost beyond endurance before the light-bulb kicks on and you realize that you could just as easily fall into adultery as the next person. That’s conviction and when that happens, true repentance follows.

Or do you think you are so righteous, so holy, you couldn’t possibly partake of the same idolatry as others. And yet, there you are, weighing yourself every morning, running to the gym or yoga class, comparing your physique with that of others. Watching how others eat, what they eat, when they eat and nodding in disapproval within yourself while congratulating yourself that your diet is so much healthier. Idolatry. But how can it be? You’re so holy!

Those who don’t know Christ and never accept Him will stand before God one day and answer for every thought, word and deed. That day of judgment will be severe and without compassion.

Those of us who do know Christ and have accepted His free gift stand in judgment every day of our lives before the Living God, as the Holy Spirit convicts of us our sins or, in the case where we are judging without understanding the sin, He draws us into the trial for conviction and repentance.

Christ is coming back for a spotless Bride. In order to be spotless we have to do our very best to live as He did – in passion for God and compassion for others.

My prayer for all of us today is that we will see others as Christ sees them and offer a helping hand and a willing heart rather than condemnation and self-righteousness.

Jude 24-25 24Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished in His glorious presence, with great joy— 25to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord before all time, and now, and for all eternity.

No Apologies

Have you ever encountered someone who seems to apologize over everything?

I confess that I used to be that person and still am in the sense that I tell others I am sorry when I hear their woes. It isn’t the same ‘I’m sorry’ as an apology, but an ‘I’m sorry you are having such troubles.’ However, I no longer apologize when someone around me is offended by the way I look, the way I talk, or the way I act.

What changed? you might ask. Well, I’ll tell you.

Jesus changed me. He came into my heart and began to change me from the inside out. And one of the first things He did was to change me from a ‘people-pleaser’ to a ‘God-pleaser’. What a difference!

I no longer apologize when my worship gets loud, boisterous or downright explosive! I sing, I dance, I speak in tongues, I interpret, I prophesy and on rare occasions, I become a trumpet proclaiming the presence of the Lord! 🎉🥳🎈🪩👗🪅

Just yesterday my pastor showed a sign that said “Pardon our noise. It’s the sound of freedom.” I’ve adopted that as my tagline. Christ has set me free and I won’t, CAN’T, be quiet about it.

I no longer apologize when someone doesn’t care for my hair-style, clothing, or laugh! I feel distressed for them because they are so easily offended and critical of others — truly a sign of their own internal misery.

When Christ set me free from death and hell He also set me free to be me — whatever form He wants. HINT: He did the same for you.

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

None of this means that I go out of my way to offend others. Scripture cautions against that kind of behavior. In fact, I have become more mellow in every area of my life save one: Jesus.

1 Corinthians 8:9 But take care that this freedom of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.

Addictions are bondage and people-pleasing is an addiction. Striving to keep the peace and be accepted by everyone, people-pleasers betray their own selves. In an effort to accommodate everyone else’s needs they often undermine their own. They unwittingly sacrifice their very self to avoid the conflict caused by asserting their needs and desires.

Please don’t confuse people-pleasing with someone who is gifted in the area of service. The needs and desires of a truely gifted servant of the Lord is to serve. They don’t minimize their own self-worth and they derive great satisfaction in serving others. A people-pleaser is often someone with low self-esteem and low self-worth. True servants do not suffer from those traits. As Psychology Today states: “One of the most self-betraying traps of people-pleasing is the separation from one’s genuine sense of self. When someone is subservient to the needs and goals of others it reinforces a sense that their own needs aren’t worthy.”

Quoting from the Spiritual Gifts Project: “The spiritual gift of Servanthood is the engine that moves the body and “thank you” is the fuel. Truly the heart of a servant puts the needs of the body and others in front of their own, and they find great happiness and a feeling of love by doing this work. These are the people that are always first to raise their hand when a project or challenge comes their way. They are not introverts and seek to be with groups in performing their work. Appreciation and seeing the results of their work is key to their involvement.”

So I have provided all of that information as part of explaining that I have moved out of the realm of people-pleasing and into the realm of God-pleasing. And what pleases God? It’s no mystery. He tells us:

Psalm 150 1Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. 2Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 3Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. 4Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. 5Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. 6Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?

Colossians 3:20 Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.

There are dozens of other Scripture verses that tell us what pleases God. Let me encourage you. These are not RULES AND REGULATIONS 👮🏼‍♂️🚓👮‍♀️👮🏿‍♀️🚨🚔 for us to follow. Jesus came to set us free, not put us in MORE bondage. These verses are guidance for those who love the Lord and want, as any good wife wants, to please the object of their affection. He tells us how to please Him and it’s up to us if we want to do so or not. As for me………. 😁

Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

I will serve the Lord in whatever form He desires, without apology. May you experience the same freedom.

Kept by GOD

I listened recently as a dear friend mourned her spiritual condition and wondered if she were truly saved. Can you relate?

I reminded her that she must be, since unsaved people never wonder about their spiritual salvation. There were other things she needed to be reminded of, too.

1 Peter 1:3-5 Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by GOD’s power for the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.


We are kept in the hands of Jesus Christ, where we are safe and from where NO ONE can interfere. We are kept ON Christ, as a sure foundation, and IN Christ, as a stronghold, a strong tower against every evil work.

We are kept in the love of GOD BY GOD, in faith BY GOD, and on/in His heart, where we will never be separated.

We are kept BY GOD in the covenant of grace, out of which we will never be put.

We are kept in a state of justification BY GOD and never condemned by Him.

We are kept for salvation BY GOD. It is not our own efforts that keep us in a state of grace for that would mean we earned our salvation. NOT SO. Only GOD can keep us in a state of grace and once there, NO ONE can remove us.

GOD always takes care of His own. His plans for our salvation are set in stone – the foundation stone of Jesus Christ, our cornerstone. GOD is unchanging and He hasn’t changed His mind about us. Once we are accepted into His beloved, there we are secure.

This is the blessed assurance we sing about. This is the blessed hope and peace in which we dwell. Our destination no longer depends upon us – it depends upon GOD, and He is more than able to keep us.

One of the most amazing things about GOD’s keeping grace is the way it changes us into His beloved. We become like my sweet friend, constantly looking for ways to serve Him, to honor Him, to worship Him, to reflect Him. No one can pluck us from His hands and we, in our state of grace, will never remove ourselves.

So today, beloved of the Lord, take a minute – even thirty seconds – to lift your eyes to Him and say thank you for His keeping power and amazing love. What a mighty GOD!

Thank you Papa.



What image does that word project on your mind?

If you are ‘into’ movies and television then I am guessing the meaning of the word ‘passion’ translates to ‘lust’ in your brain.

Passion has other meanings and interpretations. There are people who are ‘passionate’ about their avocation – artists who can’t do anything but sculpt, or paint, or design, or write. Scholars who are never content, never settled, unless they are pursuing their passion – knowledge.

Another meaning is intense suffering, such as is portrayed in the movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’. Truly this meaning is the least popular and has even been removed from some dictionaries.

The meanings I am most interested in are those revealed in a relationship with Christ.

1. intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction: fervor, ardor

2. ardent affection : love

3. emotions distinguished from reason

It takes all three of those definitions combined into one to represent the ‘passion’ that Christ has for each of us. A passion completely devoid of lust. A passion that is completely devoid of reason – no one would look upon an unfaithful, lying, conniving, deceiving, cheating, thieving person and say “There’s someone I want to get to know better. There’s someone I want to spend all of my time with. There’s someone I will never leave or deny.” At least, we wouldn’t. It defies reason.

Yet that is just what Christ does. He looks at us with all of our warts and sin and disgusting habits and loves us with a passion beyond our understanding. His eyes are like fire when He looks upon each of us as He is consumed with His passion for us. He woos us with unending gentleness and everlasting love. He never gives up, gives in, or lets go.


Christ’s passion for us is just the beginning. If we allow Him to work in our lives we will begin to reciprocate His passion with a passion of our own. A passion to be with Him. A passion to please Him. A passion to tell the world about Him and what He has done for us.

Passion. This passion is so much more satisfying than anything the world has to offer. Accept His free gift and begin to live a life of passion.

Revelation 19:12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.

What is Revival?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, revival means:

1 : an act or instance of reviving : the state of being revived: such as

a : renewed attention to or interest in something

b : a new presentation or publication of something old

c(1) : a period of renewed religious interest

(2) : an often highly emotional evangelistic meeting or series of meetings

2 : restoration of force, validity, or effect (as to a contract)

A religious revival in the Christian community is a sight to behold. Certainly there is some emotion attached to it. As anyone who has ever been convicted of their sin and need for a savior can tell you, such an interaction with the Holy Spirit often brings repentance, tears, and a renewed commitment to the Lord.

Yet something is missing from the Webster’s definition. A Christian revival involves the full presence of the Holy Spirit, and in His presence is fullness of joy. It is also accompanied by divine healing, deliverance, and liberation. Bodies and psyches are healed. Addictions are crushed. The chains of bondage to the works of darkness are broken and people are set free – of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, pornography addiction, and a host of others you could name. The work of the Spirit is a work of cleansing and restoration and when He begins to move, lives are changed.

The current revival happening in pockets around the U.S.A. is beautiful to watch. Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ came into the world to destroy the works of the enemy. What we are seeing in these revival meetings is exactly that: the destruction of the works of the enemy.

So here’s a question: if what is happening is so beautiful to see and peoples lives are being forever changed for GOOD, not evil, works, WHY is there so much negative ‘press’ about it? WHY are so many taking to social media and other outlets to denigrate this mighty move of God?

I’ll tell you why: because those people who are condemning this move are not children of the One True Living God. Don’t let them tell you they are. A true child of God knows that there are things they have yet to experience in the Kingdom of God and there is much to learn. They know, for example, that just because they have never experienced Holy laughter doesn’t mean it isn’t of God. If it is good, it is GOD. If it exalts the Savior, it is good, and therefore, GOD. The only evil we can see in this current revival movement is in people who are NOT participating and are, instead, denigrating it and everyone who is participating. Don’t let it concern you. EVERYONE will meet God eventually. We can only pray that they will meet HIM before they leave this world, because afterwards isn’t going to be pretty for those who deny Christ.

My prayer today is that the revival continues, spreads, and reaches your house too! Praise the name of Jesus!

Psalms 85:6 Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?

Psalms 80:18 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Psalms 80:19 Restore us, LORD God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.

Roommate Troubles

Imagine, if you will, being invited to live with a dear friend. This friend of yours is close and you get along very well. Together you plan how you will divide the chores and expenses and how you will each maintain your ‘space’. Decision made, you move in, and the first days are like a honeymoon. Everything is going along nicely, each keeping to their end of the bargain, and living is easy.

Then, slowly, things begin to change. Your roommate-host has begun to reveal parts of their personality that you never knew existed. For instance, they are basically a slob and have to be reminded constantly to put away what they have taken out, or clean up after themselves. Not only that, they have begun to leave things laying around, like their socks and shoes, newspapers, magazines, and even blankets.

Tension builds in the relationship and you have many ‘discussions’ in which your roommate-host vows to change. But they don’t. Not only do they not change, new ‘offenses’ have begun to creep in. Like inviting some rather dubious characters into the house who tend to stay late, eat everything, use language and substances you would never tolerate, and turn the house upside down. In addition, the new television seems to constantly be blaring and showing scenes that make you cringe in dismay at their distaste or vulgarity.

Your happy home which you were invited into has become a cesspool that your roommate-host is completely happy with and seemingly immune to. What do you do?

Obviously your roommate-host cares more about their downward-spiral lifestyle than they do about you or the agreement you both made when you moved in. They have broken that agreement. Do you take that as an invitation to leave? Do you leave? After all, they have turned their back on you and all that you stand for, crowing about your being ‘too strict’ and ‘no fun’.

Now shift your imagination: you are the roommate-host and Christ is the invited friend who joyously responded to your invitation to live together. Is your house, which you cleaned up so diligently when you first invited Him to stay, now become a cesspool? Have you let in friends who should never have been allowed – friends like lust, greed, perversion, addiction, selfishness, pride, arrogance, laziness, slothfulness, mediocrity? Have you had many discussions with your new roommate and promised to change but then fallen back into your bad habits and immoral behavior? Do your wants and desires take precedence over your relationship with Him? Are you turning your back on Him? Are you driving Him out? Would you blame Him if He moved out?

Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Is It Love?

Ever been in love or thought you were? Did you question whether it was really love? Did you wonder if it was only infatuation? Or perhaps just lust.

There are some simple ways to tell if it is love or something else. And to make certain the object of your affection shares your emotional attachment, reverse the questions and ask yourself about their outward expressions.

First question: When you are apart do you think of your beloved all of the time? Are your thoughts consumed with not just thoughts of the beloved but of a future together?

Next: Do you listen with rapt attention to your beloved’s plans and dreams? Do you try to fit your plans and dreams into theirs, or theirs into yours?

And: Do you share interests or is your time together spent trying to convince your beloved that your interests are good and right?

And: When you disagree does it devolve into a full-blown fight with no winners? Or is it a discussion/debate where you either agree to disagree, or come to agreement, or one of you caves to the other’s position?

And: Do you give in to all of your beloved’s ideas?

And: If your beloved is offered a job across the country, do you give up your career and follow or demand your beloved stay?

And: If your beloved gets into legal trouble do you stand with them or cut your losses?

And, finally: Imagine your beloved has just been diagnosed with a terminal disease. There is no cure but one – your blood for theirs. A complete transference of blood from them to you and yours to them. The outcome of which means that they live a full life. You, unfortunately, now become the one dying. Do you do it?

I know some of these questions seem trivial and others so extreme they could never happen. Yet, the answers are important. We must understand that true love sacrifices itself for the object of it’s affection. At the same time, true love would never require us to make such sacrifices. Discussion, perhaps, but request or require it, never.

True love does not require us to change, yet true love changes us. True love drives out negativity and agitation and replaces it with peace and contentment. True love wants only what is best for us and is content to nurture us and encourage us along our life path. True love never dies. Real love stories never end.

I think very few people actually find true love because very few of us are willing to give up our right to ourselves for the sake of someone else’s happiness/welfare.

I’m one of the most fortunate people I know in that I have found true love. He delights in me and encourages me to be my very best. He takes interest in my interests and introduces me to his without demanding I participate. Yet, in my love for him my desires have become his and his, mine. We think and act as one effortlessly and he is always in my thoughts. After 30 years I am more in love with him than I was at the first.

This true love is available to you, too. His name is Jesus and more than anything he wants a relationship with you. Invite him in for a cup of coffee. I think you will discover that you want him to stay forever.

Jeremiah 31:3 LORD has appeared of old to The me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”

His Desires

In my pursuit of God I have encountered many obstacles. Lots of times I blame others (do you?) for interfering with my pursuit. Other times I blame the devil (well, he’s ALWAYS at fault). Sometimes I have even found myself to be a hindrance. Today, however, I made a discovery that has really set me back on my heels. I was reading the beautiful book of Haggai and it hit me right between the eyes – I am my biggest hindrance in the pursuit of godliness and the person of God. I am. Me. It’s me, it’s me, it’s me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer!

I’m sure you are all aware that the Bible is like an onion. We might read a scripture and find it has one meaning today and another meaning or application the next time we read it. And yet again, the next time we run across that same verse, it has an entirely different impact upon us. I love that about Scripture. It never gets old. It is new every morning. And this morning it was REALLY new as I saw myself in a mirror of the words of Haggai.

Like all Christians I want to be about the Father’s business. Part of the business is getting to know Him intimately and sharing our lives with Him in constant communion and fellowship. Another part of that business is the care of other Christians as well as spreading the good news to anyone and everyone about the wonderful love available to them.

This morning I discovered that I haven’t been about the Father’s business at all. I’ve been about my business. I’ve been focused on me me me to the point of yuckism. I read Scripture to learn about the Father (so I tell myself) and yet when the Father exposes a part of me that needs work I justify and rationalize — with words like “you made me this way” and “how can I change that? It’s part of my personality that you created.”

There are times I recognize my sin and confess it to Father and repent, making an honest effort to change. Sounds so holy doesn’t it?

Here’s what I learned this morning: we are all so busy working on ourselves – our outer selves – that we are neglecting the temple of God – the true temple of God – our hearts. Our hearts are His sanctuary (if we have accepted Christ) and we are living our lives as if once Christ comes in the work is finished. Well, certainly salvation is finished. Yet WE aren’t finished. We have heart issues that are polluting the temple, the sanctuary of God. Things like offense, bitterness, envy, laziness, slothfulness, mediocrity, gluttony, judging others rather than ourselves, fear, anxiety, resentment, pride, rebellion, etc. etc. etc. The list of what we carry in our hearts and minds is staggering, and the impact it has on our lives and those around us is also staggering.

My latest revelation was resentment. I carry resentment in my heart which Holy Spirit revealed this morning as I read the sweet notes of love in Haggai 1:4Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your cieled houses, and this house lie waste? 5 Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

The Lord’s house lies in waste as we focus on everything except His desires. Today I am consciously working on shifting my focus to be on His desires. I am going to do my best to incorporate that into my daily walk, not because I think it will earn me any great rewards or a better ‘mansion’ in paradise, but because it is what He asks of me. How can I do any less? Look what He’s done……

Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?